Besides daily school routine there are the highlights of boarding school life that give a certain structure to the school year. It begins with the meet and greet weekend where all new boarding school students spend a weekend away from the campus together with their deans and the youth pastor and a lot of activities: games, campfire, music, youth worship service, sports, excursions …
A formal night in December provides an opportunity to dress up in festive clothes for a special evening including a banquet and entertainment.
After Christmas, the boys’ dean with his student team leaves for Cambodia to work at the site of an orphanage in Siem Reap.
In February, we welcome young guests for a week of spiritual emphasis. They are invited not only to get to know boarding school life but also to spend a week full of spiritual impulses together with our students.
The first signals that the school year is coming to an end are the pranks of the graduates that turn boarding school life upside down for a while. The summer party finally marks the end of the school year.