Types of school
Schulzentrum Marienhoehe provides education at school level from primary school up to the University Entrance Diploma (Abitur). With our educational and pedagogical concept we want to support our students in experiencing positive and successful schooldays. Our small classes and study groups of no more than 24 students in which individual attention is possible play an essential part.
Grundschule - years 1 to 4
With our pedagogic concept we offer our young students a solid foundation for secondary school education. In spacious and bright classrooms and with a wide range of studying and working material our children can discover the joy of learning. At the same time we attach importance to a respectful togetherness.
Realschule - years 5 to 10
The Realschule affects as many areas of life for young people to give them impulses for their career choice. According to their inclinations and skills they can choose from a wide range of elective subjects.
At the end of year 10 they take part in the central final exams for the Intermediate Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Mittlerer Abschluss) in the subjects German, English, mathematics (written exams) and an oral exam as a presentation in a subject they can choose freely. All exams taken at Schulzentrum Marienhoehe are equivalent to those at state schools and state-approved.
Many students with good grades on their Leaving Certificate continue their studies in the Secondary Level II of the Marienhoehe Gymnasium.
Secondary Level I – years 5 - 10
Instruction in Secondary Level I provides our students not only with the knowledge on which Secondary Level II is based but enables them also to discover their talents, to strengthen their personality and to train their social skills.
Secondary Level II – years 11 - 13
Secondary Level II builds on the educational work of Secondary level I/Realschule and has the objective to equip all our graduates with everything they need for university studies. It is subdivided into a one-year Introductory Phase and a Qualification Phase.
Introductory Phase (E1 and E2)
During the first year our students coming from different types of school adapt to the standard of the Secondary Level II. They spend the whole year together as a class. At the end of the year stands the admission to the Qualification Phase. It is based on the performance in the Introductory Phase. Coaching conversations with all students are conducted by our tutors.
Qualification Phase (Q1 - Q4)
Teaching during the qualification phase takes place in basic courses of two, three or four hours per week and advanced courses of five hours per week. Every student has to choose two advanced coures.
We offer advanced courses in: German, English, Latin (as needed), French (as needed), Fine Arts, Politics and Economy, History, Geography, Religion, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Sports. One of the two advanced coures must be a foreign language or mathematicx or a natural science. All other terms of admission to the final exams (Abitur) can be discussed personally with the director of the Secondary Level.
The final exams follow the regulations of the Hessen state exams. All exams at Schulzentrum Marienhöhe are equivalent to the graduation results at state schools and state-approved.